Sales at JobCloud

Find out more about working and your career with us in Sales

Current sales jobs

Oups, we don't have any jobs open positions at the moment. Don't hesitate to contact Marina from Recruiting or have a look at all other vacancies.


Field service and office service

As a sales expert, you are in daily contact with our customers; whether on the field, when you visit the customers personally, or in the office, when you work from the office or remotely. What do you prefer?

35,000 customers from all sectors

Our customers come from all kinds of industries. Depending on the job, you will work in one of our three teams.

Small companies

Simple and affordable solutions for companies with low staffing requirements

Medium-sized companies

Larger packages and additional services for companies that are regularly looking for new team members

Large companies

Personalized recruitment and support high flexibility for sophisticated recruitment

Together we are the heart of the Swiss job market

At JobCloud, you deal with a topic that is central in everyone’s life: the job.

9 out of 10 people know our popular job portals, and

You sell attractive, up-to-date products and services.

Goals are set realistically.

Half of the job seekers find their job via JobCloud: Help people and companies find each other.

Your benefits

  • Hardware

    You receive the latest hardware of your choice (OSX, Mac, Linux, etc.).


  • Work from home

    We meet regularly in our offices, but also enjoy the freedom of working from home.


  • Business trips

    You have the opportunity to visit our team abroad on a regular basis.


  • Language courses, meet-ups and conferences

    Sure thing. We will pay for it.

  • 5 weeks of vacation are not enough?

    Just buy more holidays or take a sabbatical.

A few numbers

Number of job seekers

job seekers on our portals monthly

Number of corporate clients

corporate clients

What else?

of customer interactions every day

How the recruiting process works


Interested in a job at JobCloud? That's great! 🙂 Send us your CV or LinkedIn profile or apply for one of our open positions. We don't need a fancy cover letter.


We get to know you and your motivation for the job, you get to know us - virtually or on site. For us, your mindset is just as important as your skills.

3Team & case

Your potential future colleagues will also want to get to know you and you will certainly want to get to know them. You will solve a case and discuss it with us.


We will make the decision as soon as possible and communicate the timeline transparently. In any case, we will talk to you and not just write an email.

Your future team

Do you have any questions?


Marina Faria
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist


Ken Wirth
Managing Director Large Enterprises


Marco Caduff
Managing Director Mid-sized Enterprises


François Brianchon
Managing Director Small Enterprises